Weight loss is all relative - if you have 10 or 200 pounds to loose, it's not an easy task. And we all know that just because you are slim, doesn't mean you are healthy. Exercise and eating healthy are so important to everyone, regardless of your size. That said, if you are sitting there today, with the promises of the new year in front of you and you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of weight you need to lose - know you are not alone. I have been there - heck, I'm still there. Looking at the scale in a doctor's office and wanting to die of humiliation and shame but leaving totally discouraged and hitting the nearest fast food restaurant for the biggest meal they had. Not being able to shop in a regular store - banished to Lane Bryant (and some of their clothes didn't fit) or, online shopping for the most part. I hated looking at pictures of myself and pretty much avoided the mirror from the shoulders down. I could barely walk from the parking garage to my office without being winded. It was not fun - I was depressed, anxious, lonely, and miserable. This is where I started - I'm not sure what my weight was here but goodness how I hate this picture. My little (2nd) cousin was taking the pictures and I didn't want to tell her no - but I wanted no part of this picture.
As I have said in previous posts, in the last year I only sat one set of weight loss goals and I failed with it. I just wanted to see a loss each week when I weighed myself on Saturday mornings. I didn't care if it was two ounces or ten pounds that week - of course, I was more excited/proud with the larger losses. But as long as there was a loss of any kind, I was happy. I was putting in the work and seeing the results. Before, I had looked for quick remedies and ways to lose weight without putting in the work and it never worked. Not to mention, it was (IS!) expensive. Don't get me wrong, eating healthy is not cheap. But, it can be done - even on a budget. As a single mom with no outside help/support, I can provide healthy meals for Monster and I because I choose to make it a priority. We rarely eat out - which saves us a LOT of money. I shop sales, stock up when I can - etc. We eat a lot of frozen veggies in off seasons because its so much cheaper. I also have been mindful on eating only one serving. If it is something we can eat leftovers on (eg. tacos, soups, spaghetti) I cook more but I serve our plates and we do not typically go for seconds. The majority of our plates is veggies and fruit. It has made a huge difference. Before, I would have said I don't have time, money, etc. Which was all just an excuse.
Do I sacrifice some things to make it to the gym? Absolutely but I think it is worth it. Monster has taken an interest in doing the Aqua Fitness classes with me and one of my instructors allows him to exercise with me. He is learning at an early age the importance of exercise and eating well. He notices serving sizes and calories. He knows how to make good choices. Does he get candy, etc.? Absolutely, but he gets a serving size and that's it. He drinks water - and likes it. It is important to me that he knows how to fuel his body. I don't want him to suffer from the same issues that I did as a kid and growing up.
So, if you are sitting there right now and feeling overwhelmed - make one choice today to do better. Tomorrow, add on to that - it's that simple. Baby steps -- but keep stepping. You can do this!! If I can do it - you absolutely can!
Happy New Year!
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