Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back to the Basics

Today is the second day of getting back into my groove. I went to Aqua Zumba last night and I have successfully logged everything I've eaten over the last two days. I also went back on my anxiety/depression meds - funny how I think I don't need them, go off of them, and promptly go off the the rails.

Tonight, after picking Monster man up, we went to the park near our house. He wanted to hunt Pokémon and I wanted to move my body. We agreed to walk the course three times - almost three miles. By the end of lap two, he was getting tired and started crying. I gave him my headphones and told him to listen to music...that helped for about 100 steps or so. So, I started asking him a bunch of questions about Pokémon. I had him explain what he was doing and why. Please don't ask me to tell you about ot because I can't - I just needed him distracted for the last half of that lap. At the end, he noticed he had exceeded both his step and exercise time goals and his face lit up...he was proud.

I realized tonight that I want to push us both. I want him to see me push further than I think I can go. I want to be a healthy example for him. I want him to not struggle with his weight. I want him to be proud that he went a little further and beat his previous times. I want that for both of us.

I want us to be healthy. And, you know what...2.87 miles may not seem like much for some but I am pretty proud of every one of those steps. When the started this weight loss journey, I could barely make it around the park once.

Onto day day at a time.


  1. It's so easy to fall off the wagon and get complacent...that's pretty much been my default serting my whole life. Good for you for setting an awesome example for your little man while taking good care of you. You're a great mom.

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  3. Keep going! I am so blessed by your motivation and progress. We all come off the rails sometimes -- just gotta get back up and keep chugging. You got this. I believe in you!
