Friday, December 16, 2016

See ya, 2016!

All in all, I should not complain too much – however, it is my blog and I’ll do what I want. J Kidding – sort of…in true Lisa form, I am likely going to just do a complete word vomit and hit publish without editing it. I tend to try to silence my thoughts if I go back to edit – to hide behind this wall. You've been warned! 

2016? There have been some trials that I’ve had to endure and I cannot say that I came out unscathed. In comparison to others in my world (and beyond), I can still say that I am lucky and blessed to be where I am. I think it is natural to start looking back over the last year and start planning for the new year. Things get put on the back burner and will wait until the new year to do this, that, or the other…two years ago, I decided I really wanted to focus on me and being healthy. Healthy in many aspects but, I felt like my main focus was to lose weight. As if losing weight is this magic formula to happiness. Now, do not get me wrong, I am worlds happier in my body now than I was two years ago. BUT, I cannot attribute that all to losing weight. I CAN, however, attribute it to being healthier.

I don’t think it is any secret that I have really been struggling the last few months. I started experiencing some major discomfort with my tailbone. It hurt to sit, stand, stand-up – the only position it didn’t hurt was lying on my side. That’s not practical so, I started physical therapy after they found that my tailbone shifts and moves more than it should. After a couple of months of therapy and little exercise it seemed to be getting better. I tried to get back into my gym classes and it set me back. So, the physical therapist side-lined me from my gym classes for a while. In the meantime, I finally got some answers about some other health issues and underwent minor surgery in early October to remove/shave down fibroids, a polyp and a few other items. The recovery process for that has been slow and that was a little unexpected. I think I’ve discussed this before but I tend to be an all or nothing kind of gal – if I’m working out, I tend to keep my eating in check. If I’m not, I tend to revert to my old binging habits. I am embarrassed by some of my binging episodes over the last few months. I’d have a couple of really good days sandwiched between a lot of really crappy, unhealthy foods. And you know what? I feel like garbage. I have been battling headaches, bad moods, sore/stiff body (all causes of inflammation), anxiety…and, more. Mentally, I KNOW I feel better when I’m feeding my body good for me things – but, the emotional side tends to win. Or, I claim I’m too busy/don’t feel well and cop out and grab fast food. The thing is – I KNOW I can throw together a decent, healthy, meal in no time. It is all truly that mental game.

I stepped on the scale the other night at the gym. I almost threw my clothes back on and ran straight out of there. Discouraged is not even a strong enough word. Pissed off may come close to some of my feelings…I am mad at myself for gaining back about 20 pounds. Do you know how long it took me to originally lose that 20 pounds?!? A hell of a lot longer than it took me to gain it back. I notice the difference – especially in my clothes (dang things shrunk!) and in my face. I do not want to go back to the weight I was before and to be very honest, I am scared. I can write it off and blame it on being sick/surgery/life gets in the way but for over a year there were very few things that kept me from the gym. Even if my eating was not great, I went. I was working out on average six days a week – most weeks seven – that is 450 minutes of cardio/resistance training. I felt amazing – I didn’t get winded going up and down the steps to the basement.

As I type this, I am battling a sinus/respiratory infection and double ear infection. I have a legit reason to not be in the gym. I do not, however, have a legit excuse to not be feeding my body all the proper foods to help get myself better. In the time that I was doing well, I was sick a lot less. Of course I was – I was giving my body all the proper things for a better immune system.

Knowing all of these things, why do I tend to revert to my slothful ways? I’m trying to figure out what voids I am trying to fill with food. So far, I’ve come up with:
  •          Loneliness - I miss companionship and just doing/talking about life with someone;
  •          I am stressed;
  •          Burned out;
  •          Trying to control uncontrollable things;
  •          Rejection and the fear of rejection;
  •          Feeling of inadequacy;
  •          Depression/anxiety;
  •          Single parenthood and the complications with “our situation”;
  •          Family issues

I’m sure there are plenty more but, when I look at this list I can see some of these items I just flat out cannot control. However, I can control my reaction to a lot of these items. I can make goals or lists of specific items I want to achieve. I sat through a webinar replay from Michael Hyatt this morning on “7 Steps for Taking Control of 2017” and it was refreshing to realize that sometimes we go about making/outlining goals for ourselves in unrealistic ways. I took quite a few notes and I’m going to pray over what God wants me to focus on for 2017.

All the negative aside, I have some pretty exciting and fantastic things going on in my life. I am excited for what the end of 2016 and 2017 will bring. I pray to be open to new things and experiences. Hopeful a few new blog posts are in me outlining my goals – I know y’all are going to be waiting with baited breath. ;)

Until then, make the most of your days.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back to the Basics

Today is the second day of getting back into my groove. I went to Aqua Zumba last night and I have successfully logged everything I've eaten over the last two days. I also went back on my anxiety/depression meds - funny how I think I don't need them, go off of them, and promptly go off the the rails.

Tonight, after picking Monster man up, we went to the park near our house. He wanted to hunt Pokémon and I wanted to move my body. We agreed to walk the course three times - almost three miles. By the end of lap two, he was getting tired and started crying. I gave him my headphones and told him to listen to music...that helped for about 100 steps or so. So, I started asking him a bunch of questions about Pokémon. I had him explain what he was doing and why. Please don't ask me to tell you about ot because I can't - I just needed him distracted for the last half of that lap. At the end, he noticed he had exceeded both his step and exercise time goals and his face lit up...he was proud.

I realized tonight that I want to push us both. I want him to see me push further than I think I can go. I want to be a healthy example for him. I want him to not struggle with his weight. I want him to be proud that he went a little further and beat his previous times. I want that for both of us.

I want us to be healthy. And, you know what...2.87 miles may not seem like much for some but I am pretty proud of every one of those steps. When the started this weight loss journey, I could barely make it around the park once.

Onto day day at a time.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wake up call...

Welp. I feel like I fell off the wagon and it backed up and ran over me a couple of times. I have really been slacking with EVERYTHING. Emotional eating is NO JOKE. I wish it were just as simple as put down the fork and take your butt to the gym. I feel like I am trapped in this cycle of drowning and gasping for air, holding on for dear life. I know how much better I felt eating foods that are healthy/good for me and exercising daily. But, let's face it -- it takes some planning and junk food tastes really good. I hadn't been to the gym but once in about three weeks until last night. I stripped down, put on my swimsuit and got on the scale. O.U.C.H. I knew I had put back on a couple of pounds -- I was not prepared for the numbers that flashed across the screen. I am up at least ten pound. In three weeks. Three weeks. TEN flipping pounds. I can't manage to loose ten pounds in three weeks - but they sure can come on that quickly. 

You'd think after my workout last night, giving it my all during that workout, I'd have cleaned up my food for dinner. I sat in the parking lot of the gym, crying. Instead, I tried to eat everything in sight. This morning, I chose to sleep in instead of going to the gym, I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast after my meeting, I ate a big plate of pasta w/bread, for lunch and a gelato afterwards. Instead of focusing on the 900 things I need to be doing for work, I've sat at my desk, crying...I feel like I am spiraling out of control. Part of me really cares -- the other part wants to stay in my bed and eat ice cream straight out of the carton. 

Not sure why the need to get all of this on "paper" -- maybe it will help me declutter my brain. Maybe I can face the music and get myself back in gear. Does everyone with a significant amount of weight to loose struggle like this from time to time? 

How do I stop pushing the snooze button on this wake up call?? 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Head first...

Please forgive this word vomit...I need to get these things out of my head and off my heart. I’m not even sure I’ll hit the publish button on this…

In the last year, or so, I've dipped my toes back into the dating world. Let me just tell you - if you aren't in this "world" - it is a whole new ballgame than it was almost ten years ago (the last time I was single) Granted, I'm not the same girl I was ten years ago - and, I have a child to consider – but, UGH.

I was never really "good" at dating...I didn't really enjoy it. I felt like it always opened up too much anxiety about rejection. As I've stated before, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I've had periods of time that I lost a significant amount of weight but, I'd gain it right back. Rinse and repeat several times over since high school - and, probably before. I was always the fat friend...never comfortable in my skin. Fast forward to the last year or so, I was feeling a little more comfortable with who I am - so I subjected myself to some dates and meeting new friends. Well, let me tell you at 38 rejections are no easier and dating can really jerk with your head and your emotions. Putting yourself out there to tell your story and your likes/dislikes is tiresome. It also brings back up a LOT of feelings of inadequacy. I realize this is *my* issue, not someone else and something I need to work on. I know there can be a million reasons why someone may not connect to another person.

In the electronic communication world we live in, it makes it both easier to connected to people and to hide from them. I feel like it opens up the opportunity to say things to someone where before you’d either a.) before not have the avenue to say it and/or b.) the security of hiding behind your keyboard/screen. I love to text – it’s easy, you can send/see messages when you have a chance – easy way to connect throughout the day. So few people actually talk on the phone anymore and so much gets lost through electronic communications.

I’ve had some really interesting dates and communications with some guys. I was dating someone and thought we were on our way to being serious – talks of exclusivity and things had occurred. Then – he just disappeared. No reason or explanation – just gone. Granted, we were only together for a few weeks – but, how do you not have enough respect for someone to at least just say you aren’t interested anymore?

Dating sites are interesting and some of the messages received are – umm, let’s say interesting. I had a couple of dates that the guy had told me some really great things in advance of the dates – I was really excited about them both. Then, I ended up getting the run around and I’d rather be friends after meeting. Now, I have full-length pictures of myself on these sites and do not hide behind strategically placed camera shots. The most recent exchange of messages has really sort of gotten under my skin. I had been talking to this person for a couple of weeks; we agreed to meet on a Saturday my kid wasn’t home – just the normal, dinner/drinks kind of date. He cancelled on me – twice. I understand things happen, but dang. He had sent me some messages that he seemed to be really moody in. Then, when I just told him I was no longer interested – he seemed to be too indecisive. Plus, he worked a wonky schedule and lived about an hour away. He then became really ugly via text messages – but, instead of finding a character flaw of mine – he resorted straight to my body. He called me several variations of fat. Now, I am not in denial that I don’t still have a lot of weight to loose – but, it’s not as if I’m advertising that I am some stick-thin girl. The messages made me cry. Combine that with the rejections – those that I assume are because of my body – I am ready to crawl into my bed and just give up. Everything just seems to be hitting on some issues that I have with myself – I am trying to remember all the things I worked through in therapy. But, it isn’t really helping me feel any better at the moment. The little bit of confidence I had has been rocked and shattered – again. I feel like I have a lot to offer someone in a relationship – lots more than just this body I exist in.

Not sure where I’m going with all of these feelings. Not sure where and how I want to handle dating but for now, much like few other things, I think I may take a break from it all…

Thanks for listening to the ramblings.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Been a while...

I never meant for it to be this long between posts, but if it proves my thoughts to be true - I just sort of want to be an ostrich with its head in the sand about this whole weight loss/healthy living journey -- I've not lost any weight in a couple of months. As a matter of fact, I think I've gained about five. I have still been working out most days, but my eating has been out of control. I can't quite figure out why the binges and terrible choices. A lot of it can be attributed to eating out, stress, not being prepared...I could go on and on with the excuses, but that's all they are - EXCUSES. I go to bed every night lately with all intentions of refocusing the next day - rinse and repeat - it has been going on for a couple of weeks now. 

I hope by writing out my thoughts with this struggle and I can refocus and make a plan to regain control of my eating and shift back to a more healthy approach. 

So, here's my plan: 

  • Log every bite - "good" or "bad" into MyFitnessPal app 
  • Exercise six days a week 
  • Stock my fridge/pantry with healthy choices
  • Limit eating "junk" food to one meal per week 
  • Limit alcohol consumption 
  • Add weight training (would really love to add a trainer to help w/this)
  • Meal plan
  • Meal prep 
  • Eat breakfast 
  • Maintain my calorie goal (per MFP app) daily 
Most of these have been what has worked for me over the last year plus and helped me to lose the weight so far. 

In the meantime, I need to remember how far I've come. I still have a long way to go...but, I'll get there -- day by day. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave me a comment. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Ramblings and fears...

Please forgive me for the ramblings that are going to follow -- I feel like I just need to do a word dump.

In my lifetime, I've felt defeated more times than I could ever count...but until something changes inside you - whether it be a health scare or you just get tired of being tired, you continue in this vicious cycle of hating your body but not doing anything to change it. I was depressed and tired - I'd go shopping and not be able to wear anything on the racks - even at Lane Bryant most of the time, leave and go eat garbage foods in mass amounts. I would watch shows like the Biggest Loser, Extreme Weightloss and the like and the contestants always have some traumatic issue that happened in their past and I'd sit on the couch and wonder why I was so overweight. Nothing happened that traumatic happened in my childhood - I was a taken care of and not abused or any of the things that seem to frequently come up on these shows. However, I was not taught proper nutrition, the importance of exercise, or what healthy living really means. I'm not sure about your education, but mine - even health classes - did not teach me what healthy living really looked like. If I were really honest, I STILL struggle with what true healthy living looks like. I tend to swing in extremes - I tend to obsess in one way or another. I look at my side-by-side progress pictures and I can see progress. Progress that I am truly proud of.
On the flip side, I also struggle to see any changes because I get caught up in all of my flaws. I still see the very large number of pounds I need to go to get to my goal weight. Most days, I wonder if I don't obsess with going to the gym and logging every single bite of food I put in my body, I will gain all 95 pounds back and if you've ever lost big amounts of weight, you know it won't stop there - you gain back even more. I'm terrified of going back there. 

I am terrified I'm teaching Monster poor eating choices. Monster has packed on some pounds and I'm scared that he's going to develop my bad habits. How do I let him be a kid and eat candy and junk food but also keep him healthy? I am teaching him to read nutrition labels and serving sizes. He sees me going to the gym or working out daily. He actually comes to one/two classes a week with me. But am I doing enough? Can I counter-balance the junk he gets at his grandmother's where I have no control over what he does or eats? When we talk about food or going to the gym - he'll comment about me losing weight, but I try to emphasize that we are doing X,Y,Z to be healthy and losing weight is just a bonus. I try to keep healthy as the motivator for everything we do. I also try not to talk negatively about myself in front of him. I try to find fun things for us to do that aren't structured workouts. I want us both to be active and healthy but, I feel like there is a real fine line in being obsessive and diligent. I want to err on the side of diligent. All sides of his family (biological and not) have weight and health issues - I want to end that cycle with him. 

All of those fears admitted, I feel like after over a year on this journey to living healthy, I've come a long way. The weight loss has been slow and I am still learning every single day but I don't want to give up. Much like during other life events over the last few years, that little boy makes me want to fight harder, learn more and be a better person. Not just for him - but, for me. For us. 
Easter 2015 (L) | Easter 2016 (R) 

If you have tips on teaching children healthy living, I'm all ears.

Thanks for allowing me to ramble...

Friday, March 25, 2016

Lent is over...

It's been a little while since I've written here...I am sure you all were waiting in anticipation for me to update. //sarcasm font 

Lent is over, as of yesterday, and while it wasn't my only reason for giving up simple carbs, sugar, and alcohol for lent - I haven't lost very much weight -- 4.8 pounds to be exact. So, in looking over the last year, trying to see how much I've lost - I've only lost 50 pounds in a year. While I am so very proud of those numbers and I'm proud of that number, I can't help but feel like I should have lost more in the last year. I can't help but wonder what I'm doing wrong. Especially over the last month with cutting out any garbage food. In the last month, I've only missed two days in working out. I've logged more miles - I've pushed myself harder. I can't help but wonder why it's so slow going. I don't feel comfortable giving my actual numbers yet -- but, here's a little visual (I like to see visuals). 
YTD Loss from MyFitnessPal 

I need to do my measurements to see if maybe I'm just not seeing the numbers on the scale. If you can't tell - I am struggling with the numbers. I try to not let them become overwhelming or hung up on them - but if I want this space to be honest. I.AM.STRUGGLING. It has been an average of only about four pounds per month. Any suggestions on what I can do to up my numbers? Am I just crazy?? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lent: Day Three

Well, I've managed to avoid added sugar foods and simple carbs for the last two days. Last night was really difficult though. I had not planned or prepped anything for our dinner and when I picked Monster up he had been sick the night before. He asked for chicken noodle soup (from the can - GAG). We ended up being stuck by a train blocking the tracks near our home and therefore rerouted to get home -- taking about 45 minutes later than normal. In the past, I would have gone through a drive-thru but I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to eat and without added sugar/carbs [basically, I'm giving up all white starches (still eating sweet potatoes, beans and fruits)] So, I fixed Monster his chicken noodle soup and I put chicken breast and a sweet potato in the oven, grabbed two slices of deli ham, and waited for my chicken to be done. In the meantime, I complained on Twitter (as I often do) about the struggle and some friends stepped up with both recipes/meal ideas and encouragement. I managed to wait out for a good, healthy dinner: chicken, sweet potato and steamed broccoli and cauliflower. While it might seem silly to say - I was proud of myself for not giving in. Hoping to build on every good decision over the next 40 days -- maybe longer. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lent: Day One

Despite my religious denomination not participating in the practice(s) of Lent, I have decided to once again try to give something up that I feel has a control over my life. Two years ago, I gave up carbonated drinks and haven't looked back. Food would be the obvious answer. However, unlike other addictions, I have to have food to survive. So, I decided to dig a little deeper and see what food/s I am eating that I am using to replace feelings. I came up with both sugar and simple carbs -- basically, junk foods. For the next forty days, I am going to avoid sugar-laden foods and all white foods (eg. flour, tortillas, etc.). I have done the low-carb diet in the past and was really successful. However, I do not want to give up fruit and some vegetables, oatmeal and beans that a true low-carb diet would call for.

Not only do I hope to replace food as a way to comfort or replace feelings, I hope to drop some weight. I'm using this time as a reset button. A little more time for reflection and meaning...

Here's to day one. Are you doing anything during this season? 

Until next time...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

I've been struggling...

It's obvious that I've been quiet since it's been almost a month since I've written anything. I've started a million posts in my head but the thought of opening this page and starting to write both overwhelmed and terrified me. I have been struggling in all areas of my life lately. My anxiety has been ramped up a lot -- to the point that it has woken me up a few times or kept me from falling asleep. In addition to the anxiety, I think I'm struggling with my depression - I'm not sure if it is just a seasonal sort of thing, or what. The days the weather is better and the sun is shining makes me think it may just be SAD. When researching online (I know, I know...) WebMD gave these symptoms as a result of SAD
  • Feel sad, grumpy, moody, or anxious.
  • Lose interest in your usual activities.
  • Eat more and crave carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta.
  • Gain weight.
  • Sleep more but still feel tired.
  • Have trouble concentrating.
I can check all of these off the list. Including the weight gain. I think I mentioned in my last post that I had gained eight pounds around Christmas. I have managed to lose seven of the eight pounds so far. I'm really not sure how since I've been slipping into some old(er) eating habits. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to break 30+ years of poor eating habits. I know it is a day-by-day fight - sometimes it will be even minute by minute. Some days are easier than others, but then some days it seems to be a constant struggle with cravings and trying to comfort myself with food. 

I haven't consistently tracked my foods and nor have I been diligent with going to the gym. I was talking to someone this morning and confessed that I was struggling. For almost a year, I didn't miss a workout. I couldn't come up with an excuse good enough to not be in the gym, giving it my all. Since right around Christmas, I started slacking. I started making excuses - telling myself I didn't feel well and giving myself an out for not going. In all reality, most of the time - I just didn't want to go. What I do not understand is why? I always enjoy my workouts and I have yet to not feel better afterwards. Some days I'm sore from the workouts, but its still a good feeling. 

In the past, I've gotten to about this mark in my weight loss and I fizzle out. I start sliding backwards with the promise of "tomorrow I'll do better". I don't want to be there again. I want to be healthy. I want to continue to lose weight and get myself out of the "obese" category. As vain as it may sound, I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. I want to be able to walk into any store and be able to buy things off the rack. Most of all, I want to be strong and healthy -- mentally AND physically. 

I didn't go to my water classes this morning - I had talked myself out of them. But, after confessing my struggles, I was encouraged to go. So, I was going to go and walk on the treadmill. After dressing and while putting on my shoes, I had a panic/anxiety attack about going to the gym. The thought of going to walk on the treadmill was almost too much for me. But, I fought through it. I have zero excuses not to go -- I grabbed my headphones and phone and decided I would go and walk for an entire episode of Ray Donovan which is almost an hour. I told myself I wasn't allowed to watch another episode unless I went to work out.  And, I did it! I was surrounded by people a lot more active, fit, and trim than I am. I was the only person walking, but I walked a 5k in 60 minutes. I posted this photo on Instagram/Twitter and love the support of my online (and real-life) friends. 

I have to get this under control so I'm going to revisit some of those same goals I wrote in the last post for the next seven days. I'm going to try this in bite-sized pieces: 
  1. Log my food and exercise daily 
  2. Cardio for 60 minutes, at least six of the next seven days
  3. Strength training two days per week
  4. Lose two pounds 
  5. Continue to find ways to be intentional (2016 word) with my health: mental and physical
And, because sometimes I need the reminder -- this is what I looked like a year ago versus now: 

Any suggestion on keeping on track? What do you do for your emotional and physical health? 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

14 Days In

Well, we are 14 days into the new year and I have not even come close to my refocus goal until this week and even still I'm letting my "schedule" get in the way of exercise. Being a single mom and pretty reliant on my exercise classes instead of doing things on my own, I have not made exercise a priority in these last couple of weeks. I find myself making excuses that I did not make in the last year -- I have felt myself slipping back into old habits. Even with food - eating when I'm not hungry; eating garbage foods - and, lots of it. I felt things slipping away and found myself feeling so tired and grouchy. 

After stepping on the scale Monday night, I saw that I've regained eight (8!!!!) pounds in the last month. I nearly cried. Instead, I pulled my hair into my ponytail and went on to my workout. I think that was the kick in my pants I needed to realize how easy it is to slip back to old habits -- I gave that aqua Zumba workout everything I had. Since Monday, I have tracked everything I've eaten in MyFitnessPal and exercised both Monday and Wednesday. I am realizing that I was once again eating to try to cover up feelings - my anxiety had ramped back up. I can't say that is 100% food related but I am curious about the correlation. 

I have found myself feeling guilty about foods and exercise (or, lack thereof) and I am trying to work through those feelings. I don't want to feel guilty about anything - especially food. I find that if I tell myself I "can't" have something it just makes me want it even more. I have gotten this far with just moderation/counting calories and not totally cutting certain foods out. With that comes elimination of a lot of garbage but most days, I ate really well. This week, I'm back on that thought process. 

On Saturday morning, I hope the scales will reflect the refocusing from this week. If not, I will reevaluate and continue to tweak things to find what works. I am trying to remember how far I've come since this time last year but keeping my eye on my ultimate goal of being at a healthy weight. 

January 2015

January 2016

My goals for the next thirty days: 
  1. Log my food and exercise daily 
  2. Cardio for 60 minutes, at least, five days per week  
  3. Strength training two days per week
  4. Lose ten pounds 
  5. Continue to find ways to be intentional (2016 word) with my health 
Do you have goals for the next month? 

Friday, January 1, 2016

In 2016 I Purpose to...

A friend on Instagram posted a picture from Ann Voskamp's free printable for SOULutions instead of resolutions. After thinking about her prompts, here's what I came up with. I plan to print out the free printable and hang in my daily vision. I want to surround myself with positive changes for 2016.

Embrace changes
Engage fully
Be still
Believe in the good
Break negative self-talk
Daily prayers and quiet time
Do for others
Let go of past hurts and ideas of how things "should" be
Learn to love again
Live fearlessly 
Give of myself and my time
Grow in grace

What do you purpose to do? I'd love to hear your thoughts...

Been there, done that, working to never be back there again.

Weight loss is all relative - if you have 10 or 200 pounds to loose, it's not an easy task. And we all know that just because you are slim, doesn't mean you are healthy. Exercise and eating healthy are so important to everyone, regardless of your size. That said, if you are sitting there today, with the promises of the new year in front of you and you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of weight you need to lose - know you are not alone. I have been there - heck, I'm still there. Looking at the scale in a doctor's office and wanting to die of humiliation and shame but leaving totally discouraged and hitting the nearest fast food restaurant for the biggest meal they had. Not being able to shop in a regular store - banished to Lane Bryant (and some of their clothes didn't fit) or, online shopping for the most part. I hated looking at pictures of myself and pretty much avoided the mirror from the shoulders down. I could barely walk from the parking garage to my office without being winded. It was not fun - I was depressed, anxious, lonely, and miserable. This is where I started - I'm not sure what my weight was here but goodness how I hate this picture. My little (2nd) cousin was taking the pictures and I didn't want to tell her no - but I wanted no part of this picture.

As I have said in previous posts, in the last year I only sat one set of weight loss goals and I failed with it. I just wanted to see a loss each week when I weighed myself on Saturday mornings. I didn't care if it was two ounces or ten pounds that week - of course, I was more excited/proud with the larger losses. But as long as there was a loss of any kind, I was happy. I was putting in the work and seeing the results. Before, I had looked for quick remedies and ways to lose weight without putting in the work and it never worked. Not to mention, it was (IS!) expensive. Don't get me wrong, eating healthy is not cheap. But, it can be done - even on a budget. As a single mom with no outside help/support, I can provide healthy meals for Monster and I because I choose to make it a priority. We rarely eat out - which saves us a LOT of money. I shop sales, stock up when I can - etc. We eat a lot of frozen veggies in off seasons because its so much cheaper. I also have been mindful on eating only one serving. If it is something we can eat leftovers on (eg. tacos, soups, spaghetti) I cook more but I serve our plates and we do not typically go for seconds. The majority of our plates is veggies and fruit. It has made a huge difference. Before, I would have said I don't have time, money, etc. Which was all just an excuse.

Do I sacrifice some things to make it to the gym? Absolutely but I think it is worth it. Monster has taken an interest in doing the Aqua Fitness classes with me and one of my instructors allows him to exercise with me. He is learning at an early age the importance of exercise and eating well. He notices serving sizes and calories. He knows how to make good choices. Does he get candy, etc.? Absolutely, but he gets a serving size and that's it. He drinks water - and likes it. It is important to me that he knows how to fuel his body. I don't want him to suffer from the same issues that I did as a kid and growing up.

So, if you are sitting there right now and feeling overwhelmed - make one choice today to do better. Tomorrow, add on to that - it's that simple. Baby steps -- but keep stepping. You can do this!! If I can do it - you absolutely can!

Happy New Year!